About me & My Blog sites

This is a snap shot of what I see, think or feel of things happening around me and also the food which I explore. There is another blog of mine which is dedicated only just on food; My Food and Me and my goal is to have a daily blog for both these blogs (unless I am traveling and limited by internet access. =P )


I like to capture the moments and put it down on paper (electronically) and share with everyone in the briefest sense of form (I like it short, sweet and simple =P), enough to give you an idea pictorially (yup.. picture says more than words can) . =)

Anyway, dun expect juicy stuff or raunchy photos as my life is a simple one and hopefully a fulfilling one too. LOL!!

Please feel free me to follow me here or on my twitter or my Facebook so that you are up to date with my blogs and pictures.

If you have any comments or feedback, or would like to get more details on a particular, pls do drop me a reply and I will be happy to get back to you.

P.S I have created another blog site for my spontaneous photography which cant fit into either of my blogs; Out of Blues Photography. Feel free to drop by this blog and have a look. If you like it, click and follow me there too. =)


(Aug 2014) – I have added in a new page in my blog which is on links that are helpful to new travelers to the countries that I have been; Want some useful links for your Travel search? I will update this page from time to time. So stay tune on this. =)

(May 2015) – I have started to upload my photos from here to my Flickr in stages. Hope you enjoy them.

(Apr 2020) – Wow… didn’t know that I have stopped for quite a while. Pls bear with me as I am trying to get used to the new WP UI (user interface).

923 thoughts on “About me & My Blog sites

  1. Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog. It’s my very first one published, I’ve just started it and still here and there to improve. It’s really nice to know that someone follows me :).

  2. Hi Just A Simple Guy:

    Thank you for liking my blog post Bon Odori, the Dance of the Dead. Best of luck with your photography as well.

    Have a fabulous New Year!
    Ledia Runnels
    (author of Tengu Prince and the soon to be published sequel, Cherry Jewel.)

  3. Hey you! Saw you liked one of my posts, great to know!

    It is nice to find other bloggers/travellers and inspiration that way. However, I was wondering if you could perhaps give me some advice on layout and all that? You have a search area, archive & word cloud in the column on the right-hand side of your page for example. I would love to put in something like that, but I don’t know how to.

  4. Thanks for following my recent adventures! Nice to see interest from a fellow traveler! Your recent posts have definitely gotten me interested in visiting Taiwan 🙂

    • Thanks! Thanks for dropping in mine too. Yup it is always interesting to read other fellow traveler’s adventure from their eye point even though they have visited the same place but each traveler sees differently. Hope you get your chance to go to Taiwan soon. =)

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your blog is interesting and informative. Will need to check out your other blogs – I’m sure they’ll be just as interesting.

  6. Thanks a bunch for liking my posts. Just wish I had discovered your posts before exploring some of the same countries. Oh well, will look forward to your future travels & love the way you have your blog set up, very inspiring!

  7. Great to see you over at Jules Told Me and thanks for the Like! I’ve just been taken back in time, looking at tyour Hong Kong and Macai images. It’s been a while since I was there, but your pictures brought it all back. Hope to see you again soon – I’ll be adding more Southeast Asia posts too which you might like. Anyway, good work, keep it up!

  8. Thanks for liking my blog post “Greens.” Looks like you have an interesting blog (or blogs!). I really like your Grand Canyon photographs. You’re right, it’s magnificent, and you have to see it!

  9. Thanks for dropping by and encouraging me to write by liking my post. I see that you have been to Taiwan. Great reviews of the Tainan trip ! I also love Anping Black Tofu pudding dessert. This is a very classic, traditional, and popular dessert across Taiwan 🙂

    • Thanks fro dropping in my blog. In fact, I have just recently visited Tainan for the 2nd time and visited other place. I will be writing more on this on my coming series. Actually, Tainan has a lot of different kind of food from other parts of Taiwan. Guess one has just to keep on exploring all the little corners around Tainan. =)

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